Zwei Teilnehmende

Das Berliner Original seit 2009

Berlin entdecken, Fotografie begreifen.

Entdecke mit uns Berlins spannende Stadtgeschichte, versteckte Orte und einmalige Motive auf einer Fototour durch Berlin!

Wir zeigen dir darüber hinaus, wie du mit deiner Kamera bzw. dem Smartphone noch bessere Fotos machst.


Historische Fotos und interessante Geschichten hinter der Geschichte. Wir erzählen, Dir, wie sich Berlin verändert hat in die Stadt, die wir heute so lieben.


Wir zeigen die wesentlichen Funktionen, mit der du deiner System- oder Smartphone-Kamera noch bessere Fotos entlockst; abgestimmt auf deinen Kenntnisstand.


Wie machst du eindrucksvolle Bilder? Wann ergibt Weitwinkel oder Tele wirklich Sinn? Wieso sollte ich die Perspektive ab und zu ändern? Wir verraten es dir!

Unsere beliebtesten Fototouren

Aus sehr gutem Grund sind das hier unsere beliebtesten Fototouren, die exklusiv, aber auch in offenen Gruppen buchbar sind.

Eindrücke von der Fototour Kreuzberg in Berlin


Buntes Kreuzberg

Street-Art, interessante Hinterhöfe, wilde Stadtnatur und viele Menschen aus der ganzen Welt: Wir zeigen die „Hidden Places“ in Kreuzberg 36, welche selbst die wenigsten Berliner:innen kennen!


Hinterhöfe der alten Vorstadt

Bunte Hinterhöfe, verwinkelte Gassen, interessante Details, Street-Art, kleine Kunstgalerien und versteckte Cafés entdecken wir abseits vom Massentourismus auf dieser Fototour in der ehemaligen Vorstadt von Alt-Berlin.

Eindrücke von der Fototour Hinterhöfe in Berlin
Eindrücke von der Fototour Spuren der DDR in Berlin

Berlin-Mitte und -Friedrichshain

Spuren der DDR

40 Jahre Staatssozialismus haben Ostberlin ihren Stempel aufgedrückt. Wo finden sich noch die Spuren der DDR und um welche Ecken müssen wir gehen, um einzigartige Motive zu finden? Hier erfährst du es!

Weitere Angebote Eigene Fototour erstellen

Anstehende offene Fototouren

Zurzeit noch keine Fototour-Termine für die nächste Saison.
Melde Dich bei uns und wir legen vielleicht einen Termin fest, der für Dich passt.

Und unsere besonderen Fototouren bei …

Firmen-Events Nacht Schlechtwetter

Was Gäste der
Fototouren in Berlin sagen

Wessen Teams, Kund:innen oder Mitglieder wir bereits Fotografie näher bringen durften. Vielen Dank dafür! ♥


Unsere Fototour-Guides

🇦🇺 🇨🇱 🇩🇪 🇬🇷 🇺🇦 🇭🇺

Unser buntes Team kann mit euch auf vielen Sprachen und einzigartigen Perspektiven die Fototouren durchführen. Bald erfährst du auf der Website mehr über unsere Fototour-Guides, die Szaffi hier auf dem Foto.

Wissenswertes über Fotografie und Berlin

Zurzeit noch keine Artikel, wir sind gerade dabei, sie zu verfassen.

Frequently asked questions and answers

We meet at the agreed time and walk together along a route we’ve researched beforehand. During the photo tours Colorful Kreuzberg and Traces of the GDR, we show historical photos of these exact locations at various stations and share entertaining stories behind the history.

In addition to what you discover yourself, we also point out other interesting hidden subjects during the photographic walk and show how to best capture them.

We don’t offer a „technical photography course“ because that would be too much information in a short time, and it’s quickly forgotten. For that, we have the Licht – School of Photography, a digital platform where we guide you photographically over a longer period and answer more questions about technique, image composition, learning to see light, and art history. And we do this in a way that ensures sustainable and long-lasting learning success.

Instead, we assist with specific questions that arise on-site and are particularly pressing, such as how to achieve a blurred background, handle hard or soft light, choose the right focal length, and so on.

Of course! It is often even more difficult to take impressive photos with a smartphone camera. That’s why we are happy to give you practical tips and tricks specifically for photos taken with a smartphone.

Very much so! On the one hand, we tell many entertaining and interesting stories behind the story. On the other hand, we train your eye, whether with or without technology. Sometimes you even learn more about choosing a subject and composing images if you don’t get distracted by the many functions of a camera.

We do sustainable tourism, which is why small groups are paramount to us. Photo tours in open groups usually take place with 5-10 people.

Up to 5 people can take part in the exclusive photo tours, but usually there are 1-2 participants. If we are booked exclusively, a second guide will be added from the 8th person and from 10 people onwards we will split the groups if possible and in consultation.

For company outings, „conference entertainment“ and team events, groups can sometimes be larger, but we make sure to have enough guides on board so that no questions are left unanswered. In addition, we then avoid routes where large groups do not disturb the natural neighborhood biotope.

In order to have planning security, we would like to have binding bookings. That’s why we take payment in advance. Nevertheless, we are flexible with regard to rebookings if travel plans change at short notice, illness prevents participation or the weather is bad.

You can pay in our with all common payment methods: Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit card, PayPal, Klarna or Giropay.

We have two different types of photo tours: 🌟 Exclusively as private photo tours with free choice of date and topic and in Photo tours in open groups on fixed dates. The prices and cancellation conditions vary:

Private Photo Tour

Open Photo Tour
€19545 €
€97,50 eachje 39 €
€65,00 eachje 39 €
€48,75 eachje 39 €
€39 each

Alle Preise inklusive 19% USt.

Die Unterschiede in der Übersicht:

Exclusive photo tour

Open Photo Tour
Group sizeFrom 1 person5-10 people
AppointmentsFree choiceFixed dates
TopicsFree choice of topicsFixed topics
Free cancellationUp to 48 hours in advance.Up to 72 hours in advance.
Free rebookingPossible up to 12 hours in advance.Possible up to 24 hours in advance.
If you do not appear 50% refundNo refunds
In bad weather*Free cancellation or rescheduling possible.Free Cancellation or change of date possible.
*) For us, bad weather means expected temperatures above 35 or below 0°C as well as DWD weather warnings level 2, e.g. black ice, thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail and gusts of wind from 8 Bft.

If you have booked a photo tour in an open group, we will reschedule the date. If you do not have time on the new or another date, you can of course get a refund of the money you have already paid.

For exclusive photo tours we will find a new date together or carry out the photo tour, for example, at train stations, where we are better protected from the weather.

Bad weather for us means expected temperatures above 35 or below 0°C as well as DWD weather warnings level 2, for example black ice, thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail and gusts of wind from 8 Bft.

No. You are welcome to bring a stroller. Experience has shown that active participation is useful for teenagers aged 14-15 and above, if they show a real interest in history and/or photography.

Mitgebrachte Kinder touren bis zum vollendeten 13. Lebensjahr kostenlos.

No. We show the hidden places in Berlin that even many locals don’t know about. The inner-city so-called „lost places“ have increasingly disappeared and the remaining ones have been commercially exploited.

Berlin is an exciting and diverse city whose liveliness we want to celebrate. That’s why, with respect for the people who live here, we show you the best corners and how they can best be photographed.

Yes, all photo tour routes are barrier-free. If you have any special needs, please let us know. We travel at an average speed of 1 km/h and can adjust the route length to suit you.

If you are also for equality of the many genders, lifestyles and sexual preferences, we will get along wonderfully. We have no room for misanthropy, transphobia, homophobia, racism or sexism on our photo tours. A photo tour is always a safe place for diversity.

As much as we can. Climate-friendly is more than just a word for us. Anyone who uses technology and publishes photographs bears responsibility. We work and live in a resource-efficient manner and support the fight against man-made climate instability.

We would love to call ourselves climate-neutral, but that is impossible in the current situation because there are still no major systematic changes due to strict legal requirements. CO₂ compensation is a difficult topic, and we are happy to discuss its usefulness.

Our photo tour meeting points are all very easy to reach by public transport or by bike. We encourage you to use these to get there, as we do.

On the photo tours we will also show you how you can take excellent photos with „old technology“. Because every camera bought second-hand or used for a longer period of time saves resources and protects the climate.

Eine Fototour buchen Eine andere Frage stellen
Photo Tours Berlin